Green Cities Inc. is a Serial Enterprise (Agro-Green Liberia & Computer for Schools Liberia are sub arms of Green Cities) operating Liberia First Waste Segregation and Recycling Program. The Goals of Green Cities are to create Clean and Green Environment through waste value chain and to also use waste value chain as a mean of creating job opportunity for youths and women. To achieve these goals, we engage into the following: Waste Collection and Sorting, Buying and Selling of Recyclables, Organic fertilizer production and its application, plastic recycling and E waste refurbishing and Recycling

“Green Cities Inc is a youth base Social Enterprise geared to improve solid waste management in Liberia. We operate Liberia's first waste segregation and recycling center called Green Center.”
Green Cities was Founded on February 2012



The first step of achieving our general goal of creating zero waste environments is to be able to collect waste. Our style of waste collection is different. We practice a Win-Win Strategy in Waste management. This means, our customers are first train on how to separate waste. Those recyclables ( Like can, Scrape, Aluminum, Copper, etc) are weight and the cost is deducted from the cost of managing said customers waste. E.g. If Hotel X is to pay us $100.00 per month in handling their waste and the separated recyclables cost $30.00, Hotel X will than pay us $70.00.


According to research done by UNEP and the Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia in 2007, Liberia produced 43% organic waste at that time. After more than 10 years, this percentage has increase. Turing organic waste into organic fertilizer is the first option for Green Cities Inc. This arm of Green Cities is done by Agro-Green Liberia.


The Plastic Recycling Project focuses on prevention, minimization, reuse and recycling of plastic waste. This project contributes to clean environment and generating income opportunities in a way that every community dweller can collect 2 Kg of plastic waste and sell it to Green Cities to earn cash that can buy 1 Kg of rice (Liberians most stable food). This project mainly focuses on water sachet (Majority of Liberians drink from these plastics) and Gallons. When these plastics are collected from the communities, they are Crush, clean, Dry, and palletize before processing into end products. There are several end products plastic waste process can produce. Some items produce are Geometry tools for students and rubber latex collection cup. One of the leading sources of income generation within the private sector is Rubber Latex business. Most smallholder farmers sell their produce to Firestone. The leading producer of Rubber latex in Liberia. Leftover plastic after this process are used for the production of proteluem (Mainly Gas and Diesel fuel).


Sustainable E-Waste Management through Refurbishing and Recycling is an arm of Green Cities Inc. that focuses on giving a second life to Solar energy wastes ( Like Solar Panel, Cookstove, Solar light, etc) and other electronic wastes ( Computers, Tablet, Toy, Touch light, Freezer, Radio, etc) through refurbishing and a final implementation solution through recycling. The general objective of this arm of Green Cities Inc. is to create a clean and healthy environment through E waste Refurbishing and Recycling and using E waste Recycling and refurbishing as a means of creating jobs for young people and women. We hope to reduce the volume of E waste going into our landfill. E waste is very hazardous and as such, it pollutes our soil and water. Computers for Schools Liberia serves as the sale focus line of refurbish items and also responsible to establish Computer labs with refurbish computers in slum and rural communities.


We have young girls from the communities who are working in at Green Cities Innovation center. At this center, young girls use their hands to produce quality materials from paper waste. These materials are sole to help sustain them and the Business.


Young people collect recyclables from their communities and sell to Green Cities to improve their livelihood. This is done on a regular basis. We work with youth groups in various communities to build their organization and make them more sustainable.